Based on the short story “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang, Arrival follows mysterious alien aircrafts called “shells”, which land on Earth, scattered across continents. America goes under a state of emergency as chaos ensues. Linguistics professor Dr Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is approached by Colonel Webber (Forest Whitaker) who plays a recording of the aliens, seeking Louise to translate whether they come for war. The only way for Louise to do this is to see the aliens for herself. Joined by Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner), the pair attempt to break down the language barrier, and communicate with the aliens.
The only thing sci-fi about this film are the aliens, otherwise Arrival would easily pass as an intense drama. It focuses on humanity and emotive elements, which makes the film successful. The aliens are these strange octopus/dementor like creatures, which use some sort of ink to communicate with Banks and her team. The wondrous cinematography captures the inside of the shell beautifully, and coupled with Johan Johannson’s chilling score, Arrival immerses you into the suspense of what lies ahead.
Denis VilleneuveWriters:
Eric Heisserer (screenplay), Ted Chiang (based on the story "Story of Your Life" written by)Stars:
Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker
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